I’m Emily Jaenson

I help leaders become more confident so that they can lead more intentional, goal directed, fulfilled and happy lives.

People who doubt their capabilities shy away from difficult tasks. They have low aspirations and weak focus and commitment to the goal that they are trying to pursue. In difficult situations, they dwell on their personal deficiencies, the formidable nature of the task, and the adverse consequences of failure. This thinking diverts attention from how to best execute actives to concerns over personal deficiencies. They are slow to recover from failures and setbacks and prone to insufficient performance. It does not require much failure for them to lose faith in their capabilities.

Conversely, people who have self-efficacy and confidence approach difficult tasks as challenges to be mastered rather than threats to be avoided. They set themselves demanding goals and maintain strong focus and commitment to them. People with high self-confidence invest a high level of effort in what they do and maintain or even heighten their effort in the face of failure of setbacks. They attribute failure to insufficient effort, not aptitude..

Does this sound like the kind of employee you’d like to work with?

The kind of person you’d like to be?

I’ll share best practices and proven methods to help employees grow their confidence. Become your most confident, authentic self ready to take on your next biggest challenge in the office and in in your personal life.


Renowned Fortune 500 companies, sports organizations, and national conferences frequently call upon her to speak and consult on creating more confident and goal-driven employees. Emily shares strategies that empower individuals with confidence, reducing fear and anxiety while fostering motivation, resilience, improved relationships, and authenticity in the workplace.

Emily hosts a podcast, Leadership is Female, that is in the top 2.5% of podcasts, worldwide.

Confidence Episodes:

112. Confidence Boosting Tips with Emily and Paige. Listen Here.

119. Get Uncomfortable and Grow with Courtney Rice, VP at RevelXP. Listen Here.

124. Learn, Lead and Make it Happen with Taylor Strick, Global Partnership Lead at Aon. Listen Here.

101. Confidence Through Action with Arielle Moyal, CEO of Moyal Enterprises. Listen Here.

Find Your Voice:

123. Find Your Voice with Laura Barnard, Founder of BREAKTHRU Brands. Listen Here.

108. Dare to Lead Like a Girl with Dalia Feldheim Author and Former P&G Executive on the Always Run Like a Girl Campaign. Listen Here.

129. Different is Better.
Brooke Faw, VP Client Experiences at Bespoke Sports & Entertainment. Listen Here.

130. Finding Your Voice with Jackie Carson, Head Women’s Basketball Coach at Forman University. Listen Here.